
Tweet - Update Twitter via Quicksilver

Tweet, a Twitter Quicksilver Action, is my favorite Twitter updating vehicle as of late - except for one thing. It uses Keychain Scripting to access your saved Twitterrific username and password - which, for some ungodly reason, takes about 30 seconds on my Mac Book Pro.

I’ve made some updates to Tweet.scpt to fix the slowness:

  • Now uses the Twitter Rubygem to talk to Twitter
  • Uses the username and password stored in ~/.twitter, via the Twitter Gem
  • Uses Twitterrific’s icon, if you have it installed.


Installation Directions

  1. Download Tweet.scpt
  2. Move Tweet.scpt to ~/Library/Application Support/Quicksilver/Actions
  3. Restart Quicksilver (Cmd+Ctrl+Q)
  4. Setup a Trigger - I use Cmd+Opt+Ctrl+T :

This, combined with Twitter Monitor, is the way I’m using Twitter most often these days. Like it or not, I think Twitter has a lot of potential. I’d love to throw some AI at the trends of public twitters - you’d see the string “coffee” grow in popularity in the AM and wane in the PM. Add Geocoding support - a way to set your ‘Location’ as well as your status

  • and Twitter becomes useful in another dimension. I’m interested to see what Twitter has in it’s future.